Daily Motivation
The Secret of Our Success
All people work hard, only few people find success, others continue struggle. Muhammad Ali Clay vs Sonny Liston earned 5.5 crore in one second (21 years and one second). Pay the price, time, hard work, continuous struggle, find the mentor. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Big things have small beginnings.
Jane's Journal
Reason of laziness; when, why. Sometimes we do procrastinate, sometimes not (matter of interest). Sometimes we are so excited that there is no sign of laziness anywhere. How many hours we spend on Facebook, WhatsApp without sense of tiring. Body and eyes tire but we continue. After taking selfee, we upload right away. Explore your interest and get rid of laziness. Daily explore new venue in life. Discover excitements. Continue routine work and do something new daily. Learn something new. Never stop. Take the charge, don't wait for validation from others. Otherwise you will trap in boredom.
No matter how good you are, You always be replaced. Your biggest fears don’t really exist. Other people cannot validate you. You are not alone.
Interval between engagement and marriage is different from long way living together with exciting emotions. The person who was promising to spend his whole life under the shadow of hairs. After 2-3 years of marriage, once saw one hair in food, changed his mood and attitude. This is paradigm fact of life. Same is other practical venues of life. Mindset is half the battle. Great things take time. It's during the worst storms of your life that you will get to see the true colors of the people who say they care for you. You never really know the true quality of someone’s character, until the road gets rock. Those whom truly love us, always stick with us; the losers fall off the boat quickly! Like it or not, the road will get rocky, the seas will get choppy, the boat will rock, and the dark days will come. Those times will pass, the sea calms, the sun shines, and a smooth ride is ahead. Paradigm of life is honest attitude.
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Positive Thoughts and Negative Thoughts Affect
Turtle family picnic story; the smallest turtle was appointed to bring salt. Others didn't wait for him and they ate food before his arrival. What you would expect from the universe, you will get. This is Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Psychology terminology: first we decide and then prove in our life. What's your story? You are shaping your story of tomorrow with words and thoughts, you are sharing. Would it be full of negativity, regrets, missed opportunities, what's not working with us; future is not promising. You will find easily this type of people. On the other hand, the story would have some positive points, supporting people, some achievements in it. We need to change our focus. One's eye can be operated but ideology can be changed slowly. Look at the brighter side of the story. Story teller tells his story then tries to find backup for his story. He strengthens his story with this backup. Then he tells his story to others and makes a group of his taste, like-minded people. This turns into a trap (+ or - trap). One example is; comments against government on facebook. Then like-minded people will make a group. Now he looks for proofs. He will photograph a small bump on road, and upload on his facebook. Like a small kid, he is hiding himself from family and once he found the chance, he jumped and told; see, you people broke your promise. Whenever you use this type of mentality especially in negative way, you are caught in self-fulfilling prophecy. This power can be used in positive, negative; both ways.
Ideology is like muscles; we can train it slowly. Unfocusing from missing, focusing on strengths which we can use. If you think you are overwhelmed with sufferings, chance is that you are exaggerating. Do this exercise; sit alone, list easy situations in life, list difficulties and how Almighty helped you unexpectedly. We ignore and overlook those events. Because we are focusing in wrong direction. Even in total negative personality, you will find some positive attributes. Slowly shift your focus and your ideology starts changing. We may have resources, good people around but our attitude matters a lot. The words we speak influence our tomorrow. Be more careful for that. Sometimes negative statements come true by the time. Let's try positive statements and see the results. Let's take a chance as we are practicing on negative side. Chance is there that we will find everything necessary for our success with changing our attitude to focus on positive thoughts.
Daily Motivation
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
How you can change your life just by changing your thoughts Louise Hay, Tony Robbins and Joel Osteen induce an inspiration. Open your mind and the heart will follow.
Try the magic of changing your thinking!
Try the magic of changing your thinking!
Don't Change The World .. Page 03 – using shoes can solve your problems instead of laying leather all over the roads.
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